+61 3 9718 0259
20 Albert Street, Blackburn VIC
3/15 Progress Stree,t Mornington VIC
Air-Conditioner Noise Baffle Solutions |
Air-conditioners have definitely made life more comfortable for residents in Australia and New Zealand. Even as an increasing number of people embrace latest air-conditioning technologies, the number of noise complaints to city councils have escalated. This is due to poorly installed or maintained units, a decrease in distance between properties and increasing use of these units. To curtail noise pollution, each Australian state has developed regulations for permissible noise limits, and if these are not complied with, fines may be levied. Eliminate Harmful Effects of Loud NoiseApart from mandatory compliance, installing air conditioner acoustic barriers is in the interest of users themselves. When noise (from equipment such as air conditioners and pool pumps) becomes too loud in living spaces, it can adversely affect health and well-being due to disruption of sleep, relaxation and communication. In the workplace, excessive noise from air-conditioners can affect productivity. Air conditioner barriers and baffles are very effective in eliminating or reducing the noise being generated by air-conditioner units. Practical Solutions at Affordable PricesAt Waveform Acoustics, we are focused on offering practical and cost-effective air-conditioning barrier solutions made from high-performance sound absorbent materials. We have experience in offering effective systems for both domestic and commercial projects. Offering a range of solutions to help clients adhere to environment protection regulations, we also create better living environments. Our team are also able to conduct noise measurements which are carried out by our trained experts. Access Experience and ExpertiseThe team at Waveform Acoustics offer effective, tailored solutions. We understand that customers are looking for high quality noise solutions that deliver in terms of aesthetics and functionality. Services in Australia and New ZealandCall us today to discuss your acoustic issue. Alternately, fill in our online enquiry form and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible! |